
donderdag 7 februari 2019

How to protect your data from theft

Data, whether owned by a company or a private individual, is becoming quite a challenge to protect because of the many possibilities and methods of cyber attacks. According to research, insider cyber attacks have become more significant than outsider attacks. Secure Channels CEO Richard Blech discusses ways to secure your online data from being stolen.

Form a security culture. If you are protecting important data in your home or office computer, a practice promoting security should be ingrained. Prevent random users from downloading, or any unauthorized person from plugging in USBs or hard drives into your device.

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Invest in a good anti-virus software. Richard Blech stresses the invaluable contribution of a decent anti-virus software that can scan https traffic to protect you from phishing attacks. By scanning your encrypted web communication, you are able to analyze the content of websites you frequent. Competent anti-virus software can also match signatures of questionable behavioral patterns of malicious websites.

Encrypt your hard drive. Do this as an added security measure so cyber thieves cannot access your data even if your computer or device is stolen. Modern operating systems and hardware support offer default encryption mechanisms that won’t slow down your computer. You can even do this with your mobile device in case you frequently use it to exchange valuable data.

Richard Blech completed his degree in Business Administration from the Business School Lausanne. He is the CEO of Secure Channels and an investor, innovator, and entrepreneur. Richard is also managing member of Imperium Management LLC, actively investing in technologically advanced projects. He is a resolute advocate of disruptive technology, holding vested interests in cyber defense and digital content. For more articles like this, visit this page.

donderdag 17 januari 2019

Healthcare industry: A prime target of cyberattacks

In the U.S., healthcare is the second largest sector of the economy. It accounted for around 18 percent of the nation’s total GDP in 2017. Unfortunately, the sector size also makes it vulnerable to cyberattacks. As a matter of fact, the healthcare industry is twice as vulnerable to cyberattacks than any other sector.

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There are plenty of reasons hackers target healthcare, such as the following:

Highly valuable data: Healthcare organizations hold a great amount of patient data, which can include highly sensitive and private information, such as full names, social security numbers, addresses, contact details, birth information, and more. Hackers can sell such information on the black market or monetize it through blackmail. For example, in early 2018, a U.S. hospital had to pay $55,000 to cybercriminals after a ransomware attack.

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Ease of attacks: Nowadays, consumers prefer and sometimes even demand quick service and instant access to medical information, scheduling, and other services. Healthcare organizations have then invested in remote services, Internet-based consulting, cloud technologies, IT integration, Internet of Medical Things, and other similar technologies. These, unfortunately, can also provide additional opportunities for cybercriminals to attack, especially if insufficient resources are spent on cybersecurity. Compliance challenges are also commonplace in the healthcare industry, which may make it more difficult for organizations to include additional budget on cybersecurity.

Richard Blech is a resolute advocate of disruptive technology, holding vested interests in cyber-defense and digital content. Read more about these topics by checking out this blog.

How blockchain technology helps protect your data

Blockchain technology relies on the formation of constantly growing record lists called blockchains which are secured via cryptography. It’s the principal transaction innovation behind the rise of digital money or cryptocurrency. But how exactly does it aid in better protecting your data?

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For one, actual physical transfers for any blockchain-based transaction happen independently of the sending of tokens that contain any asset’s metadata. These virtual ledgers carry everything from maps, images, documents and, well, money. And blockchain aids immensely in eliminating wrong or illegal transactions because by nature it is dependent on a consensus between the mentioned physical and virtual transfer.

Moreover, blockchain makes your data hard to hack, as it stores, for example, your financial information across a vast network of computers or servers. If one gets compromised, it doesn’t mean that the others will be because they rely on different nodes. In the first place, hacking even just one blockchain server and altering one’s records is extremely difficult if not altogether impossible.

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Even the World Economic Forum agrees that the distributed-ledger system provided by blockchain will be crucial in storing and protecting data, saying that 10 percent of worldwide gross domestic products will be on these ledgers as early as 2027. Financial institutions everywhere must adapt and migrate their bonds, stocks, property deeds, etc. onto these most-welcome and smart grids if they are to better maintain customer trust and loyalty down the line.

Secure Channels CEO Richard Blech is a managing member of Imperium Management LLC. He actively invests in technologically advanced projects and holds a vested interest in cyber defense and digital content as he is a determined advocate of disruptive technology. For related posts, visit this blog.

maandag 12 november 2018

Common cybersecurity mistakes made in enterprises

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Now that cybercriminals are targeting more and more enterprises, enterprises should be more aware of ongoing cybercriminal campaigns and fortify their defenses. More than ever, cyberattacks have been getting a lot of attention from the media because of attacks like WannaCry. However, there are still companies that are reluctant to change their security practices. Here are some of the common cybersecurity mistakes made by companies which cybercriminals capitalize on.

Weak passwords Weak passwords can easily be guessed or bypassed by special software. People generally use weak passwords because of ease of use. But the same ease of use goes both ways as vulnerable passwords make hacking that much easier. A strong password includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special symbols.

Bad email practices Cybercriminals often go after weak and possibly non-tech savvy employees when targeting large companies. And with email being the most common attack vector for most cyberattacks, having bad email practices can lead to a security breach. Bad email practices include downloading files and clicking on links from unknown senders.

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Outdated security tools A lot of companies rely on limited resources when it comes to cybersecurity. Instead of devoting resources for improved cybersecurity, they rely on built-in security systems which may not be the best option to fend off today’s threats.

Patching delays Microsoft as well as other operating systems release patches regularly to fix bugs in their software. However, some companies choose not to update their systems because of the downtime needed to update all their computers. This makes computers susceptible to attacks which abuse certain vulnerabilities.

Richard Blech is an entrepreneur, investor, and innovator. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Secure Channels, a security solutions company that provides innovative state-of-the-art designs that complement clients’ existing investment in security. For more reads about him and the company, visit this website.

donderdag 18 oktober 2018

Why entrepreneurs should prioritize innovation

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Innovation is a continuous process and it’s the secret to entrepreneurship. For successful entrepreneurs, leading innovations in their chosen field is a day-to-day job. They are lifelong learners and have dedicated their lives to finding the newest solutions to fundamental problems.


Without innovation, there will be no growth. Entrepreneurs follow timelines for growth and success. Prior to expansion, new ideas must be developed and presented to the world for consumption. The market is always on the lookout for the next best thing. Only through innovation can a company become the fastest-growing in its field.

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A company can only stand out among its competitors through innovation. Competition is a constant. Conceptualizing the newest and brightest ideas and projects can turn the heads of consumers and, by providing proper customer experience, a company can gain loyal brand followers.


A company that delivers and exceeds customers’ expectations will have a place in the industry. Consumer needs are changing by the minute, and meeting them feeds into the expansion goals. Through research, businesses can predict the needs of their customers and set the direction for innovation development. When needs are met, customers are pleased. Customers will keep coming back when they know a company knows their needs and constantly meets them with excellence. Innovation is as important as customer experience.

CEO of Secure Channels Richard Blech is an entrepreneur, investor, and innovator. He focuses on data security, technology, and strategic alliances. Learn more about data security and innovations by subscribing to this blog.

Tips for enhancing data security

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` Whether in the context of huge companies or of a private individual, a data breach is an outright alarming concern. No one is safe from cybercrime in this age of the internet, with most of our private information, communication, and transactions being brought online.

You should be extra mindful of the importance of gaining optimal data security. Ensuring your privacy begins with an awareness that everyone is a potential target for hackers. And if businesses are to run smoothly and focus on improving brand reputation and customer service, they must first establish clear data security infrastructure and policies.

This begins with knowing your most valuable data and prioritizing them in any protection protocol. For individuals, these data will be comprised of bank and security account numbers, PINs, and passwords. For businesses, key data are the ones that would cripple the company if compromised. It’s highly advisable that owners and managers limit employee access to such sensitive information.

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Make it a habit to back up your data regularly. Set a fixed date for copying files to portable physical devices and online storage systems, whether on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Take the initiative, as you’ll never know when that drive is going to crash, or when a breach will occur. Moreover, automate backups if possible using solid software programs.

Lastly, if your passwords are tied up to birthdates and names of family members, then they are weak and easily discoverable. Put effort in making passwords stronger by making them longer and comprised of alphanumeric combinations. It goes without saying that these should be unique to each employee and not canopy access codes.

Secure Channels CEO Richard Blech holds a vested interest in cyber defense and digital content. An entrepreneur, investor, and innovator, he determines market trends that are not only lucrative, but also pave the way for technological advancements across the globe. More info on Richard and his work here.

woensdag 8 augustus 2018

Cyber Threat Intelligence: An Overview

It’s a concept often mentioned and discussed in light of recent cyber crimes on online data and information. But what is cyber threat intelligence really all about, and how does it deter these cyber attacks and protect private data online? 

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Cyber threat intelligence is the collection of information from open source intelligence, social media, human intelligence, technical expertise and resources, or intelligence from the deep and dark web. It seeks to research and analyze trends and technical developments in the areas of cybercrime, hactivism, and cyber espionage or cyber spying. The goal is to create preventive measures based on those accumulated data and maintain international security. 

Intelligence tactics, techniques, and procedures have existed long before cyberspace. They are ultimately rooted in defense, and in a military context the principles seek to know the intent of the opponent to inform battle strategies, or to prepare for an attack. 

Cyber threat intelligence is hardly an end-to-end process. It also goes by the intelligence cycle, where data collection is undertaken, results are analyzed, and the resulting intelligence is disseminated and evaluated in light of new information and consumer feedback. As technical intelligence, for example, one may look at indicators of specific malware. Meanwhile, operational intelligence is concerned with the details of an incoming attack and assesses the organization’s ability to determine future threats. 

Cyber threat intelligence has proven beneficial to every level of state, local, tribal, and territorial government entities, from senior executives to police chiefs to policy makers. It also offers value to experts such as security officers, terrorism analysts, and accountants. 

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Richard Blech is an entrepreneur, investor, and innovator. He is also the CEO of Secure Channels, a company that comes up with solutions designed to be customizable to its clients’ environment without compromising the level of protection it provides while avoiding additional maintenance and support efforts by support teams. Learn more on this page.